Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Noodlecrumbs Is A Crowd-Funding Platform For Thinkers, Not Doers

Lightbulb_ideaWith successes like the Pebble smart watch, crowd-funding is becoming more and more attractive to startups. But maybe you aren't even at the startup stage in your idea. Maybe all you have is an idea and a computer. That's where Noodlecrumbs comes into the picture. It's a new type of crowd-funding for those of us who don't quite know how much we need to make the dream a reality. In fact, Noodecrumbs could be used by someone who doesn't even want to build the actual product, but just wants it to be built. I have friends who pitch me ideas all the time, and I say, "sounds good, build it." Most of the time, they say they don't have time or don't know how, but they'd love to use the product. That's the perfect situation for Noodlecrumbs.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/lBUeEYCEu-w/


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