Thursday, February 23, 2012

Glee Recap: On My Way

Shockers in tonight’s episode, people. Seriously. And guess what? It was the winter finale and we won’t get our Glee fix until April. Yes, you heard me right. April. Sigh. And wouldn’t you know it, they give us one helluva cliffhanger. I did not see that one coming. Okay, without further ado, here’s what happened on Glee. So Dave Karofsky is outed thanks to the kid who saw him at Breadstix with Kurt last week, and said kid sprayed his locker with an anti-gay slur, prompting Karofsky to head home with a myriad of emotions. He goes online and sees more anti-gay messages directed towards him. Overwhelmed by everything, he puts on a suit and tries to hang himself in his closet. I was in absolute shock. Even after everything he had done to Kurt, my heart broke for him. We learn that Dave’s father found him and he is in the hospital. On a side note, Max Adler was amazing tonight. Simply ahhh-mazing. The kids at McKinley can’t believe what has happened, especially Kurt, who feels responsible for not answering Karofsky’s texts or phone calls. Even bad boy Sebastian wants to put the Warblers’ and New Directions’ differences aside [...]

Jennifer Gimenez Jennifer Love Hewitt Jennifer Morrison Jennifer ODell Jennifer Scholle

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